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What is over is over. I don't care about what happened in between. I only wanted to know what is the end product. It was hurtful. However...

Yzanne is letting go of the past. FULLY. Good bye PEOPLE.


Koh Jun Xian <3

1:54 AM


I was so disappointed in him yesterday.
He forgot my age!! How is that possible? I seriously don't know.
"don't keke. don't be like xiao mei mei. 21 already going 22 le"
HAIIS !! kek xim siol ~
First, he maples and neglected me.
Then, he forgets my age.
By the time I come back from Port Dickson, I think he is going to forget me!!
Or maybe not so bad, just forgot that he actually has a girlfriend.
Oh my! Please! Don't ! T-T
Okay, I think I should stop worrying myself.

Port dickson! T-T

I am NOT looking forward to it. But I have to GET GOING AND OVER WITH IT.
I don't want to leave my boyfriend !! ==!
(I can forsee, if ever he reads this, he's gonna go "few days nia mah. dun behave like xiao mei mei le pls". T-T)
Guys just doesn't know HOW MUCH girls loves to stick around their love one.
Erm, I'm hoping there might be wireless connection so atleast something to keep me entertained. And I can atleast get contact with my boyfriend via MSN !!
But a friend from malaysia told me.... NOPE. DON'T HAVE!!
So now, I'm gonna PAY them tips to hand over the password of their wireless, IF I see some :x

OOH! Port Dickson is just nearby to Melacca!
Some friends asked if I go there by plane. Thinking it maybe some foriegn countries like our dear UK or Europe area. LOL

Well. At the very least~
I called M1 to subscribe to per minute roaming service :x
Looks like I'm gonna have to text my way to him~
But thats the VERY LEAST !
Will take PLENTY of photos. Make people know Port Dickson. HAHA.
Miss me people. :)

11:52 PM


At first I thought you fell asleep. Then I thought you might be busy with your maple shop. And then I thought maybe you were SOOOOOOOOOO tired that you kept sleeping.

But I held onto my phone. Waited and waited. Finally texted you at 7++ reminding you about dinner. But no reply. I Kept telling myself, you must be busy with something..

End up. at 11+pm.
You are.. Busy with maple..

It reminds me of a friend. Whom once told me. Once you stop having same interest with your guy, he will move further away from you slowly bit by bit(in the world of gaming).

I don't know if I'm feeling TOO angry. Or did i cry because this is the 1st time you ever neglected me for so long?

I'm too sensitive you would say.zz.

10:12 PM

I'm going to go Port Dickson on Monday!
Reporting time is 6am.
Best thing is, I just received a call, they need me to help with cake shop again, on Friday, saturday and sunday! Come on man! I'll only return to singapore on wed ! Give me some time with my boyfriend thankyou!
Ooh well. Luckily friday, saturday and sunday are those days where it isn't very nice to sell ice cream. :x i guess school holiday and the adults have to bring the children out on a weekend?

It's mom's birthday tomorrow. (:
this year, i get nothing for her. I'm too financially thight! :x oops.

Having fever now but reject going to the doctor anyway. I hate medicines ==!
hopefully recover soon bah.
Mom wanted to bring me for an injection. She scare I can't go port dickson. But to me seriously, not going is TOTALLY FINE. :x

Enjoy working with my boyfriend. Although this also means that we have too much time togethere and have very little things to talk about. But one thing did not change. He is still as random as ever. Still tease me whenever he is bored. giving me surprise kisses and all. I think he enjoys making me blush. WHiCH, I rarely did. :x

One thing good about us is that we don't quarrel. We both hate it. So what we do is attitude. Then keep quiet, ignoring other party. Then when one of us (normally him) come tease a bit here and there, the party made angry (normally ME) will start to kpkb here and there for awhile. and then that's it. Nothing over night. Nothing too big to be solved. :D

I guess we both believed in one another so there isn;t big problems like my past experiences with guys. He isn't the kind that gets very possessive (although I won't mind if he is a little :x) so i guess i'm lucky. He doesn't show how much he loves me everytime. so I have to pay attention to it. haha, As in, when he shower me with a BIT of honey-ed words, I actually believed them :x

He isn't good with words, so i dont expect anything lovey dovey from him. but nvm, i know how much he loves me. Although sometimes I wonder too :x

And I love him for who he is. (:

5:30 PM


Yeah! Sold 12 ice cream bars tonight. Normally only sell about 4 or better, 8~9.
Earn quite a bit tonight and hopefully bee saves it up for me for xmas!!
He promise me he would bring me out! :( We'll se about it ehh?
He said that he only aims 2~3 blocks tonight. So we ended up selling 12.
He said his mouth opposite... so the random stuff began..
"your so ugly, I hate you so much"
EH! who wouldn't be angry?! hahas.
Well, he kissed my cheek without any warning. :x
That is how he is, so random, so unpredictable.

He is a bad boy tonight. its 225am and he just went out with his friends.
Looks like I'm gonna have to call his phone ALOT of times to wake him up again.
3 days!! 3 days!!
without "morning darling" because I had been waking him up!

People always tend to talk about "getting used" and "love".
And I came across some situations whereas the reason people broke up was, "I used to love u alot, and now I've gotten used to you."
Well, shouldn't that be a good thing? If you don't love someone, why bother getting used to them? Will you even get used in the first place? Lame break up excuses. ==!

Mickkie is sick. But I can't go to the vet with her. :(
She had been coughing and now some worm came out.
Vet said it was critical, so gerger and valen have to bring her to the vet like... REAL SOON.
And I've already promised my schedule, I can't go. But I do hope she's fine..

It's always sour to see people breaking up.
This one was the closest one to me. The both of them.
It's a pity. After going through so much together. So many months and all. So many problems encounted. And finally one of them is tired. Well, that's the information i got so far.
I feel uneasy trying to ask. So I'll just wait till everything cools down a little. Hope they're fine.

1:15 AM


Had been working together with baby. (:
Although he keeps keeping my iphone entertained instead of me.
But well, (OF COX IM ANGRY!) had to get on with it :x
Don't want to argue or what so ever with him.
Sometimes get more money. Sometimes SOOOO little I feel like crying.
Fortunately we're more or less spending more time together.
Sometimes he's so sweet. Sometimes he's so cold.

He met his ex on the way home today after our movie.
He went all emo and I didn't know what to say, or do.
All i did was worry here and there. There are loads of questions I want to ask.
But I don;t want to get the answers I don't like.

I didn't realised how scared I am to lose him.
There's alot of "what-if".. But I'm too chicken to know the answer.
Like he said before.. Some things better not to know. So well, I am trying my very best!
He's trying to distract himself I guess. I hope everything will be fine tomorrow.
It's suffocating.. but atlleast he tells me and not keep it from me.

I'm working hard. To make him smile. Keep him entertained.
Do everything he feels or want to do(well, try).
Spend everytime I can with him. Letting him do what he wants.
Letting him do what he likes. All these seems easy. But believe me, it is hard for me.
So hard that i feel so tired everytime.
No, it's not that kind of tiredness which makes you let everything go.
It's something I need a break from. Something I want to do nothing but stare at it and see if anything moves by its own.

Hard to even understand me?
Believe me, I don't know what I'm thinking as well.
well... I just need a break..


11:56 PM


One month and still counting (:

Well, actually its 1 month and 3 days already. hehe. Well, of cause, people do change. To good, to bad, whatever.. And we, like any other people, do have arguments and stuffs.

I don't know if its a good thing or a bad thing, but to him, every morning is a brand new day. No more yesterday's problem, no more arguing, no more attitide problems.

I gave him a cross-stitch key chain i stitched myself. It seriously took me WEEKS! I'm just not made for this. Yeahh, I'm a bit disappointed.. well.. he didn't really remember the date. Of cause I did nagged for awhile, well, ermm, for 1 whole day. But everything's fine now. Let's see the other days.

I start my day everyday with a text message which says " morning darling . "
Which is sweet. Everyday, without fail, till now (: frequently, some other text on what he's doing and stuff. You know, all these little things made me actually do believe in him more than any other guy whom I've dated (or not). Although this fellow isn't the normal "Mr- LOH-MAN-TIC" most girls likes, but he is one random and fun person to be with. too bad he's mine (:

Oh, I'm REALLY having problems being angry at him. -.-!! He makes me angry, but on the other hand, ease me down with a hug. Which lady in her twenties won't laugh when she realised she was angry over some stupid stuffs? He tease me everyday, make me blush, make my heart skip a beat...

He's not someone who will tell you how much he loves you every single day. But, he is someone, whom if you pay attention closely, and try your very best to know him, will turn out to be a really sweet catch. You know, when I feel that he behaved rather cold towards me that day, (after maybe giving him a cold shoulder), start to think about how he react to my questions.. all the random things he said.. I will be reminded of how much he loves me actually.

I guess I COULD be wrong.

But I believe everyone has their own way of showing love. And if thats his way, why not? I've noticed this so there shouldn't be any problem :p

Had been facing financial problems. But that doesn't stop me from meeting my friends. Well, just got to keep a look out on what I spend. :x

Well, over all, I spent my days well.

Thanks to Leanne and Anderson. (:



2:41 AM


Spent quite alot of time together. (:
Yes I love that.

Looking for Job, Being beside you whenever I can, School. :x
It's quite stressful actually. Nevermind. It's all going to be over by 20th Nov. My exam date :3
Lucky for me, it's open book. LAW. I hate law.
Hmm. Went praying with bee that day. I hope it helped.

You know.. the way he do stuffs and all. Just makes me smile whenever I think of it. hahas.
He's always so... shy. It's rare for him to come close to you. Close as in.. CLOSE. So whenever he is, I always skipped a heart beat. :x Of cause, can't let him know this. :x

Really hope to work together!!
We say wanna go play together after we got pay de :D

Jiayous for us! :D

Guess he's out cycling now.

He had a nightmare about his ex gf just now. I wasn;t very happy about hearing about the ex gf part. But well, I guess I have to appreciate how honest he is to have told me that. Just that, I don;t like luhhhhhhhhh -cries-

Okay anyway. I've sent out resumes and did alot of calling here and there. HOPEFULLY I get a decent job, If not, I'm going to go pubs with bee ==!!

Hope bee goes home sooooon~
His house area so ulu pandan de~
He has a bigbig house!! With a cute "rabbit" (white puppy) :3

Lets work hard togethere baby!! :D


I love you many many gaogao too. <3>


9:21 PM


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